Waste My Life

I’m sitting in my own little prayer room, just over at the Starbucks down the street. It’s been a busy week with many children (think more than five, two less than ten) in our home at one time. I’m in need of some Kelly-Jesus time. There are so many things on the horizon in life…

Life Lately

Oh my, life is so full right now.  I am bursting with joy over the fulness of it.   I could write pages of testimony of what the Lord is doing– I hope I can soon.  But in the meantime, I am spending my time packing boxes. We are moving next Saturday. That’s right. We learned…

We are alive!

Despite it being well over a month since my last post, we are alive and (mostly) well. Life has been extremely busy, and while I want to get back to writing, for now it will simply be pictures. I’ll catch you up on the last month through faces.  Be back soon!

The Code of Life

Of the greatest struggles I’ve faced since knowing Christ, one of the biggest has been living with DNA tainted by the enemy of my soul through sin.  The building blocks of my body have not been the code of full life.  I did not begin knowing Jesus until I was 15, and sin’s taint also…

The Place of Endurance

I sent an email to Blane recently that said something along the lines of, “This season of life with small kids is hard.  I am responsible for teaching them everything they need to know.  It is filled with training, discipline, and often times, it seems that is what fills our schedule the most.  It’s hard,…

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