The Inescapability of Presuppositionalism

Your presuppositions are showing…As biblical counselors who desire for our counselees to consider our counsel, are we willing to consider the appeal from our brothers and sisters in Christ, co-laborers in a shared calling, to exhort us in a similar manner that Paul did Timothy to “Keep a close watch on yourself and your teaching, persist in this, for by so doing, you will save yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim. 4:16)?

Just as we desire our counselees to maintain a humble heart posture, it is also necessary for us. When something is brought to our attention regarding sinful ways of thinking or behaving, or even the possibility that we might be taken captive by plausible arguments (Col. 2:8), it is offensive to our flesh! We all still have remnants of the desire to be like God (Gen. 3:5), but we must put this off. We must acknowledge our need for the Lord.

Do we have the humility to consider what they’re bringing to our attention? Read more at the Biblical Counseling Coalition.

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