Weekend Reading
I’m an avid reader. Not only do I enjoy reading, but I enjoy learning. When I read, it’s usually with the intent to learn something. I want to read items that will help me gain understanding of the times, how to take better care of my family’s health, and how to be a better mama. Sometimes a good laugh is on my docket. The list could go on, but you get the idea.
I hope you’ll find it helpful!
Please note that I don’t necessarily agree with everything written on a particular site.
Education is a Mandate, Not a Choice – This is a must read, mamas! If you don’t read any other post on this page, please read this one. “God has created human beings to have a great capacity to use their brains to understand, learn, study, comprehend, create, invent, debate. And so one of the stewardships we have as moms is to take responsibility for our children’s minds. God will hold all of us accountable for how we were faithful to shape and train their minds for his glory. It is one of the equal ways we are commanded to worship God. It is a glory to God when we seek to fill and expand our brains to be superior in thinking skills.”
Of My Own – “Our language about physical adoption reveals the gaps in our understanding about how He has adopted us.”
10 Things To Do Before You Click – “Sometimes you want to read a book when you should be making dinner, check Pinterest instead of pin another load of laundry on the line, clean the bedrooms when you could be connecting with the kids.
Breaking Time – “We must have the courage to live aware that the kingdom of God is close at hand.”
I’m Just Not Wired That Way – An interesting post on being introverted. “But I need to remember why I’m wired that way. It’s good that I enjoy being an introvert, but my enjoyment is not the highest goal of my existence. God’s glory is. And that often means doing things that are uncomfortable, unexpected, and undesired, working against my wiring when necessary as a (hopefully) faithful bearer of God’s image in the world.”
Infanticide: The Coming Battle – “I think infanticide is a logically consistent corollary of abortion. If you are going to terminate a child in-utero, then let’s be honest, going six inches down the birth canal can hardly change the infant’s legal rights or ontological status. So infanticide is just a logical outworking of abortion.”
A Thousand Years – This is actually a beautiful piece by the Piano Guys. If you’ve not heard their music, check them out!
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