Weekend Reading – 5/3
I’m an avid reader. Not only do I enjoy reading, but I enjoy learning. When I read, it’s usually with the intent to learn something. I want to read items that will help me gain understanding of the times, how to take better care of my family’s health, and how to be a better mama. Sometimes a good laugh is on my docket. The list could go on, but you get the idea.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the plethora of things to read online. I want to be efficient. I appreciate other blogs that daily post interesting links to read. I usually scan them to see if it piques my interest, and then click. My husband also sends me interesting articles to read throughout the week. This makes it easy!
I hope you’ll find it helpful!
Your “Rights” Aren’t Applicable Here – The state of our country at present is one of compromised liberties. This article is just one example of how our freedoms are at great risk and are diminishing.
Creating Space to Breathe – This isn’t a recent article, but one that helped me so much!
The Socially Acceptable Sin – This is a much needed, well written article. “In practice, there are some sins that are socially acceptable, even in the Church. There’s one sin in particular that has pervaded our society and churches so silently we hardly give it a second thought…”
Making Soul Deposits – “Practicing saying words of love and life start with the mom who is training her children. It requires a plan. But teaching and training our children (and husbands!) to be comfortable with expressing these important words starts with habits and traditions of giving words of blessing often.”
May We Use Commentaries Written by Women – There have been a flurry of blog posts this week regarding a recent podcast in which John Piper answered this question. I found this article most helpful.
Palm Beach County’s New “Violence Prevention Unit” – Another interesting look into the erosion of liberties.
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