Weekend Reading – 8/2/13
Pressure Cookers, Backpacks, and Quinoa–oh my! – A very interesting article about a family that was visited by Big Brother due to internet searches they’ve done in their home.
How I Met John Piper Through Hip Hop – “In an era of superstar pastors and uber-star rappers who distract their listeners to the left and right with everything that doesn’t ultimately satisfy, Piper has served, under God, as a voice that beckons hip hop to fix our eyes on Jesus. And when we see, truly see, we are amazed. And when we are amazed by God, we bring a powerful message to the culture and use the medium properly.
How to Keep Millenials in the Church? Let’s Keep Church Uncool – There have been so many responses to Rachel Held Evan’s piece on CNN last week. This one includes bits and pieces from several of them. “As a Millennial, if I’m truly honest with myself, what I really need from the church is not another yes-man entity enabling my hubris and giving me what I want. Rather, what I need is something bigger than me, older than me, bound by a truth that transcends me and a story that will outlast me; basically, something that doesn’t change to fit me and my whims, but changes me to be the Christ-like person I was created to be.”
Engaging with Keller – A thorough book review regarding what some theologians believe to be “dangerous ideas” of Tim Keller. “Here is a chance to demonstrate not enslavement to celebrity but esteem for a man without mindless endorsement of his every utterance. I am grateful that this book has been written – grateful for its spirit, its precision, its intention, and grateful in prospect for the effect that I trust it will have.”
What Spills Out of the Depths of Your Heart? – “But the beginning point of a mama spreading inspiration and faith starts with her cultivating her own heart. If she is reading scripture, pondering the heart of Christ, worshipping him and following His ways, then her children will draw the love and sweetness of Christ from her every day.”
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