A Few More Favorites…

I love sharing things I come across and enjoy, and also love hearing from others about what they enjoy, too!  Here are a few more of mine…I think it will just become a Friday tradition.

1.  UCreate.  I have always loved being crafty, but since having two kids, my crafty side has gone on hiatus.  I’m finding a little more time these days, but am super strapped in the budget department.  I have lots of ideas for how I’d like to make our home look like it belongs to us, and Pinterest has been a great place to “store” my ideas.

2.  Pampered Chef’s Mango Confetti Salsa.  I have never been a fruit salsa fan, but I can eat this by myself.  It is a delicious summer salsa.

3.  Hearing Tara refer to the baby as “her.”  I decided I did want to know the gender, so we found out last week.  Tara talks a lot about what “she” will like, wear, etc.  She has since pulled out her baby dolls (she’s always been more into finding bugs outside than playing with dolls) and has been dressing them, reading to them, putting them to sleep.  She’s going to be a great big sister, all over again.

Side note: I enter my last trimester tomorrow.  Hooray!  For me, 30 weeks is when I feel like I enter the homestretch and can count down, on two hands (um, plus one usually finger for my big, “late” babies) to when I get to experience the joy of all the work that has led up to holding a new life.  So, another two weeks until then.

We keep our baby names a secret until birthday, but part of me is always dying to share.  I can and will have self-control–we like to give the baby her name and then share with the rest of the world who she is.

4.  Trying new recipes like this one and this one.

5.  Pinterest.  I decided to join a few months ago and I have to say that I’ve found it not to be a time waster.  I go on with a specific purpose–to retrieve a recipe or idea I’ve pinned.  I pin things when I come across them online.  It’s been such a helpful tool!

6.  Time with my little girl.  Despite all the challenges of parenting (because in my opinion, it is extremely challenging), I am seeing more  fruit in Tara’s life.  One small example (pretty big for this mama), is how she wants to smile for the camera instead of challenging us every.single.time. we tell her to smile.

7.  Weekends.  Right now, every weekend is cherished since Blane is driving three hours a day for work.  It is not ideal and I am so thankful that it’s only for a season and that the end is in sight (4 more weeks!).  This whole year has been so full and since the end of March, life has not slowed down for us as a family.  I’m especially thankful for this long weekend.  We’re planning to celebrate on Sunday as a family with Grater’s Ice Cream (free coupon at Earthfare!!).  If you’ve not had it…do!  We discovered it while living near Louisville….soooooo good!

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