
Great Is Our Lord (Psalm 147:5)

“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure” (Psalm 147:5).


Lord, when I read this verse, I’m confronted with reality. The question is, how will I respond?


Will I believe it or reject it?


When I look at the earthly powers that be, in our nation and beyond, how do I respond to their exercise of power if this is reality—


that You are great,


You are abundant in power,


that You are with understanding beyond measure?


It puts things in perspective. You alone are Great. You alone have abundant power. You alone have understanding that is beyond measure.

Not only that, but you wield your power in ways that are beyond my understanding.


I know of no other who has power and willingly lays it aside to give His life that many may live (1 Jn 3:16).


I know no other who can create an entire universe with His power (Jer. 32:17).


I know of no other who can uphold the universe, right now, simply by the word of His power (Heb 1:3a).


When I lock eyes with you, I am looking into the eyes of One who is truly Great.


I am in the closest relationship possible with the One who has all power.


Who oversees every lesser power holder.


Who oversees the hearts of men in power on the earth.


You do not need to be dishonest to gain or maintain power.


You do not need to manipulate or control to gain or maintain power.


You do not need to scare to gain or maintain power.


You do not need to terrorize to gain or maintain power.


You do not need to hide anything to gain or maintain power.


The powers on this earth have to utilize particular means to gain, wield, and keep it. When we question or go against what they deem as good or best, it threatens their power.


But You have all power, and You always wield it for good. You are Great!


I can believe every single word of yours.


I can trust Your character and Your ways.


I do not need to doubt or question You or Your Word because of who you are.


But when I do, you are patient with me. My doubts or questions are not a threat to you. You want me to understand You and are willing to bear with me.


The fact that you are Great and abundant in power and choose to wield it in the most sacrificial, life-giving way is certainly beyond my understanding. It is beyond my human capacity to grasp. But I want to, and I want to follow You alone.


I need Your help. I need you to open my spiritual eyes to understand You.


Please, open the eyes of your Bride to behold You in all of your glory.

Lead us to Your Word. And as we gaze on You and Your greatness, may we see earthly governments as they are. May our allegiance be to You alone.


May our fear be of You.


Help us understand that in You, we have power,

to abound in hope (Rom 15:13),

to demolish strongholds (2 Cor 10:4),

to be strengthened (Eph 3:16),

to love and be self-controlled (2 Tim 1:7).


May our decision making,

our information processing,

our thought life

all be in light of Who You are.

You are worthy of following,

to be obeyed,

to be worshipped,

to be talked about,

to be sung to and about.

Jesus, there is none like You.

Help us to know You.


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